November 17th, 2022 | The seminar “Application of Information Technology Solutions to Enhance the Quality of Healthcare”

On November 17th, 2022, the Ministry of Health, in coordination with the Ministry of Information and Communications, organized a seminar titled “Application of Information Technology Solutions to Enhance the Quality of Healthcare”. Deputy Minister of Health Tran Van Thuan and Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Huy Dung co-chaired the seminar.

Representatives from various Departments, Offices, and Units under the Ministry of Health, as well as the Ministry of Information and Communications, and domestic and international organizations, attended the seminar

Professor Associate Dr. Tran Van Thuan, Deputy Minister of Health, delivered a speech.

In his opening speech, Professor Associate Dr. Tran Van Thuan, Deputy Minister of Health, stated that in recent years, the world has seen significant developments and breakthroughs in science and technology. Particularly in the field of healthcare, many technological applications have been implemented worldwide.

“The reality has shown that where information technology develops, it will be more modern, superior, convenient, and provide better conditions for improving the quality of healthcare towards patient satisfaction,” the Deputy Minister said.

Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Huy Dung delivered a speech.

Deputy Minister Nguyen Huy Dung of the Ministry of Information and Communications evaluated healthcare as a pioneering field in implementing national digital platforms, with the desire to bring technology closer to doctors and the public.

The application of information technology helps doctors perform their jobs better and enables people to use services more conveniently. For example, scanning QR codes and cashless payments have become widespread even after the pandemic has been controlled.

According to Associate Professor Dr. Luong Ngoc Khue, Director of the Medical Examination and Treatment Management Department, digital transformation in healthcare is not a distant issue but is closely linked to the practical benefits of hospitals, doctors, and the people.

Hoang Yen Meditech Vietnam Limited Company is honored to be a sponsor for the seminar “Application of Information Technology Solutions to Enhance the Quality of Healthcare” organized by the Medical Examination and Treatment Management Department.


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