Dr. Duong Duc Hung – Viet Duc Friendship Hospital spoke to share with patients
This is an activity to express the sharing of Viet Duc Friendship Hospital for patients and their families being treated at the Hospital during the Lunar New Year of Giap Thin 2024. This is also an annual charity program. of Viet Duc Friendship Hospital every Tet and Spring, demonstrating the spirit of solidarity and love, preserving the traditional values of the nation with many activities imbued with cultural identity, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors, attendees over the years.

This year’s “Spring of Love – Tet of Sharing” supported more than 500 gifts for each patient with a total value of up to 450 million VND. The highlight of the Program is the 0 VND Spring Fair with necessary necessities to serve patients in difficult circumstances being treated at the Hospital during the Lunar New Year of Giap Thin 2024.

At the event, Hoang Yen Meditech Vietnam Co., Ltd. had a booth with necessary necessities to serve patients, helping them feel secure in treatment during the spring days.

Link: https://kcb.vn/tin-tuc/-xuan-yeu-thuong-tet-se-chia-tai-bv-huu-nghi-viet-duc.html